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"Caring for People, Caring for Plants" - A charity based on horticulture providing meaningful occupation in a supportive environment, aiming to restore well-being to people with mental illness.

Volunteers activities during lockdown

Story D

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At the beginning of lockdown I wrote a poem.

Mankind was created, I believe it means Man be kind
Mankind has created a nasty virus, for no good that I can find.

Mankind has created various religions, with a leader influencing their fate
Mankind has created a so called power, the authorities that rule our state.

Mankind has created a need for society acceptance, a vanity of wealth, materials of their success
Mankind has created invisible communities, providing care, support and helping to relieve others from their stress.
Mankind has created war, poverty and created all kinds of crime
Mankind has created a world where love got no time.

Mankind has created livelihood disruptions, pain, illness and death
Mankind has created some time for us all to stop and appreciate our every breath.


Mankind has created many things, unfortunately fuelled by power and greed,
mother natures got it right, only take what you really need.

Mankind has created a nasty virus, the only good that I can find,
Mankind has to come together….
💓=.MAN BE KIND….🌈🤗🌈

Also I decided to make a skylight in my den from recycled materials. I cautiously cut a hole in the roof and made a skylight from pallets and Perspex.

The 1st fitting needed a little alteration as the rain did not run off properly.

But now it does… 😀

Cherry Tree Nursery

Off New Road Roundabout
Dorset BH10 7DA

Tel: 01202 593537
Registered Charity No 900325

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